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Demolition and Construction - Vibration Monitoring London
Demolition works has the detrimental effect of causing actual damage to existing structures through ground-borne vibrations. Two common sources of complaints are direct vibration disturbance to occupants of buildings and ground-borne noise that radiates from structures that can vibrate. Therefore, vibration impacts may be classified as damaging or intrusive.
There are currently two British Standards which offer advice on acceptable levels of vibrations in structures.
BS 7385: Part 1:1990, Mechanical Vibration and Shock - vibration of buildings - guidelines for the measurement of vibrations and evaluation of their effects on buildings, discusses the principles for carrying out vibration measurements and processing the data.
BS 7385: Part 2:1990, Evaluation and measurement for vibration in buildings.
Guidance on vibration control legislation for construction and demolition, including road construction and maintenance, are also provided by BS 5228: Code of Practice.
Our dedicated vibration monitoring system has extensive battery power for continuous monitoring, that provides instant SMS message and email alarm notification on breached vibration levels, which can be immediately viewed online for analysis.
Dynamic Monitoring (UK) are based at Canary Wharf, London, covering the UK
Please contact us regarding your monitoring requirements
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